The Ride of the Kings is a folk tradition of yet unknown origin, mostly associated with the traditional Christian holiday. In the Czech Republic, the tradition i s only kept in Slovacek and Hane, although it was previously held on a more frequent scale throughout the entire Czech Republic.
Ride of the Kings has a ceremonial procession, actors and time of the event given by tradition, which used to fall on the variable Pentecost. Currently it is held on fixed dates, usually on Sunday.
Usually criers lead the group, followed by lieutenants and drawn sabers, who lead a king amongste each other - a small, yet little boy with a rose in his mouth, followed by another round of criers and other riders. The king and aides are dressed in female ceremonial attire, the other riders are dressed in male ceremonial attire. The entire suite rides through the village on decorated horses, stop at houses and bring residents and onlookers a short verse laudatory of proclamation or anecdotal nature. For their performance they are rewarded primarily through monetory donations, which donor place in their piggy banks or their high boots.