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trip planner Prague Proms 2016: Dianne Reeves

DI­ANNE REEVES is the pre-em­i­nent jazz vo­cal­ist in the world. As a re­sult of her breath­tak­ing vir­tu­os­ity, im­pro­vi­sa­tional prowess, and unique jazz and R&B stylings, Reeves re­ceived the Grammy for Best Jazz Vo­cal Per­for­mance for three con­sec­u­tive record­ings—a Grammy first in any vo­cal cat­e­gory. Di­anne’s mag­i­cal, time­less voice, ex­cep­tional per­son­al­ity and the sheer force of her per­for­mance mark her as a cap­ti­vat­ing world-class artist.
Win­ner of the 2015 Grammy for Best Jazz Vo­cal Al­bum, “Beau­ti­ful Life” show­cases Di­anne’s sub­lime gifts in what is a meld­ing of R&B, Latin and pop el­e­ments within the frame­work of 21st Cen­tury jazz.
Dianne Reeves, Vocalist
Peter Martin, Piano
Romero Lubambo, Guitar
Reginald Veal, Bass
Terreon Gully, Drums
Chelsea Tipton, II – conductor
Czech National Symphony Orchestra

Type concert
Event venue Municipal House (Praha)
Date and time of event Fri 6/24/2016 17:00
Component of festival

Barrier-free access Unknown (barrier-free cultural centre)
Data source Prague City Tourism

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